yes, you can buy bitcoin for 1$ you don’t need to buy bitcoin in its entirety ! You can buy it in

small parts the smallest part of bitcoin is called satoshi .smallest unit of bitcoin

(1) bitcoin = 100 m satoshi.

So you can buy part of bitcoin for 1$ or even less.

how to buy bitcoin ?

(1) register on crypto exchange platforms

(2) like wazirx, coinsswitch.

(3) complete your account kyc process.

(4) deposit 10$

(5) via, upl, bank , transfer. Or other means. Buy a part o bitcoin the amount

your deposit will be credited to your wallet.

Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual cirrencies that utilize cryptographg

for secure transaction and operate on decentralized networks. Typically

based on blockchain technology they offer an alternative to tratitonl fiat

currencies and hav gained significant attention and adoption worldwidi.

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