binance coin (BNB) .
is the cryptocu native to the binance ecosystem here are some key details.

binance coin was launched in July 2017 by binance one of the world’s hrgest
cryptocurrncy exchanges initiolly it was an ERP 20 token built on the ethereum blockhain
blockchain migation. Ìn April 2019 bnb migrated to the binance chain a blockchain
developed by binance this shift improved its funcitionality and scalabity wihin the binance
bnb originally offered users discounted training fees on binance but its use has
since expanded .
total supply .
the maximum supply of BNB was originally capped at 200 million coins
howerver through the burn mechanism binance redaces the circutating supply over
Time to keep the coins scarce . Over time bnb’s role has expanded sinicantly
it now serves as the mative token for the binance smart chain (bsc) facilting
dècentratird application (dapps) . Decentralized finance (Defi) platforms
and non-fungibte token NFT marketplace.